7 Steps to get the shots you've been imagining - Make Your Own Luck in Your Local Area
Every wonder how some photographers seem to have all the luck and always get great shots? They seem to be in the right place at the right time all the time? Well, I can assure you that there's a story and a lot of effort behind each one of those shots. I'll tell you what it takes to get your dream shots. It's not a step-by-step guide necessarily, but the concept is super solid.
Why you NEED to go out shooting in the rain (And the photos to prove it!)
It rained all night and was going to rain all day too. A cool, miserable spring rain in late March. The demotivating kind that makes you want to do nothing, not even think about photography. Stay warm and dry and edit images on your computer? Nope. No motivation there either. These can be tough days. But I warn you, if you fall into this trap every time it rains, you're going to miss something.
The Dos and Don’ts for Photography While on Family Vacation - Advice for Successful Vacation Photography
Beware…this is a family vacation, not a photo excursion. Everyone has expectations, wants, and desires from this trip. You can still get some great shots, but you have to be smart about it and find balance.
Don’t Let Landscape Photography Kill You
Ok, so maybe landscape photography won't actually kill you, but it might play a part in killing your photography dreams and aspirations. Give me a minute and let me explain.